Servers are a critical part of any business or organization’s IT infrastructure, as they are the backbone of data distribution. This could include access to applications such as your productivity suite, or even the storage of vital data that’s necessary for day-to-day operations. Unfortunately, this critical hardware must be continuously maintained. The question becomes: Is your business responsible for keeping your server infrastructure in proper working order?
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Data migration is a sizable task. There’s plenty that could go wrong as you move your data from one server to another solution. As you transfer your data, it helps to keep a few considerations in mind to ensure the process goes smoothly while getting the biggest benefit from the time it takes you.
Your server is an integral part of your IT setup, which means that it is all the more crucial that it is managed properly. As the central hub of your network, it connects all of the devices that you rely on to each other, allowing them to interact and communicate. Under proper server management practices, your server will be more able to accomplish this task.
In order to better understand how to properly approach server management, it helps to look at it not as an entire process, but to break it into its two parts.