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Website Accessibility and ADA Compliance

Avoid Litigation While Providing a Comfortable and Safe Browsing Experience for Your Site Visitors

In 2018, the Department of Justice updated their ADA guidelines, and confirmed that websites are considered places of public accommodation and must comply with ADA Title III. This isn’t anything new; web accessibility standards have been in play for over two decades, but this clarification means that businesses are responsible for providing a safe and comfortable experience or else they may face lawsuits.

Websites That Aren’t Accessible Could Face Legal Consequences

Every year, more and more lawsuits are filed against small and medium-sized businesses, non-profit organizations, and all other online entities. If you aren’t actively taking action to make your website accessible, you are at risk for litigation. While older websites do tend to fall further out of compliance, modern websites could easily have issues or intentional design choices that technically take you out of compliance. ADA lawsuits don’t tend to care if it’s a big or small issue.

Accessibility is Great for Business

Forget the potential lawsuits for a moment… By having a website that provides a comfortable experience for more people, you have the potential to do more business. People with disabilities represent a huge 27 percent of the US population, and making your website more inclusive showcases your social awareness. It helps your overall SEO and provides a better user experience for everybody. It’s a win-win.

Why Should Your Website be ADA Compliant?

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Mitigate Legal Risks

Avoid lawsuits by complying with mandated accessibility legislation

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Boost your SEO Performance

Accessible websites get fewer bounces and tend to have better technical SEO.

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It's a Good Look

Showing that you care about people with disabilities helps your reputation.

Get a Free Accessibility Audit

Let’s audit your website to determine whether or not it is accessible for people with disabilities and compliant with legislation. We’ll scan your website and reach out with the report and our recommendations.