Directive Blogs
A picture might paint 1,000 words but it doesn't feed nearly as many mouths... Rather than just telling the team what is for Crock-Pot Thursday lunch, we like to make them work for it a bit. Today, we thought that a good ol' fashioned game of Pictionary would be the best way to figure out what is on the menu. So, what was it? We'll let you DRAW your own conclusions...
The official start of summer is less than a week away now, and we are still working to nail-down the best summer picnic dishes! For today’s Crock-Pot Thursday we tried our hand at Loaded Chicken Salad Wraps, Corn and Cucumber Picnic Salad, and Fresh Pasta Salad. See the recipes below to try them out for your summer celebrations!
It might not seem it from a quick glance at the cooking directions but today's recipe for Sweet and Sour Chicken was one of the most labor-intensive Crock-Pot Thursday Lunches ever. The hard work paid off in the end, as the result was absolutely delicious. Check out today's video to see how these ingredients and a lot of hard work came together to make a truly unique lunch that the team enjoyed.
We had another round of subs from Jake's Deli this week for Crock-Pot Thursday. For this week's video, we thought we'd take on the Mannequin Challenge. These viral videos are all over the internet and feature people frozen in mid-motion - like Mannequins. Our video was a lot of fun to make - and DEFINITELY a challenge! Not moving is hard when there is a Jake's sub in front of you... Check out what it's like mid-lunch on a Crock-Pot Thursday!
Have you ever thought about what makes the perfect burger? We like to think that we are, at least to some extent, the architects of our own ideal burger. We are builders. We were born to create... to construct. And one place that we all get to show off our unbridled creativity, is at the burger bar. So, many ideas. So, many choices. And the truth is... no two burgers are alike. We ask you, "Can a burger be blueprinted?"
The Yankees or The Red Socks? The East Side or the West Side? Let's face it, the world is full of tough choices. And instead of the festive mood that normally surrounds Crock-Pot Thursday, our team found themselves faced with a marked dilemma: What is better: Pizza or Tacos? After much debate, our brilliant leader, Charlotte Chase proposed a solution that silenced the debate, once and for all... Find out what it was below! .