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Cybersecurity Tips for You and Your Users

Cyberattacks and data breaches are a threat to businesses everywhere. The most important places to start for preventing a breach is with your employees and their knowledge and use of cybersecurity best practices.

The cybersecurity tips below cover awareness, basic safety, online safety, social media, data security, tips for remote workers, small businesses, and considerations for business owners and managers to keep in mind.


Putting Cybersecurity First

We are going back to the basics so you can learn how to put cybersecurity first in your work and personal life.

In this Micro Training, learn eight quick and simple tips on how you can put cybersecurity first.

Watch Tip:   Putting Cybersecurity First


Pig Butchering Scams

In a pig butchering scam, cybercriminals are playing the long game to squeeze as much as they can out of their victim.

In this Micro Training, learn about how pig butchering scams work and what you need to be on the lookout for.

Watch Tip:   Pig Butchering Scams


QR Code Phishing

Have you received an email with a QR code in it recently? Watch out! It might be a scam.

In this Micro Training, find out more about the increasingly common tactic of QR code phishing, also known as Quishing.

Watch Tip:   QR Code Phishing


Fitness Scams

Often times, our fitness goals get lumped in with our New Year’s resolutions, and in the spirit of our 2024 cybersecurity resolutions, we're joining forces in this training, too.

In this Micro Training, learn more about the world of fitness scams that may be encountered along your fitness journey.

Watch Tip:   Fitness Scams


The Cyber Twilight Zone

Imagine for a moment, if you will, your email account has been compromised!

In this Micro Training, we’ll cover one example of how cybercriminals can gain access to your email account, as well as what their nefarious next steps might look like.

Watch Tip:   The Cyber Twilight Zone


Attack Surfaces: Physical and Digital

If attack vectors are the method that cybercriminals use to infiltrate a network, an attack surface is the number of potential entry points.

In this Micro Training, we will learn more about attack surfaces and their physical and digital states.

Watch Tip:   Attack Surfaces: Physical and Digital


Attack Vectors: Active and Passive

Attack vectors may sound like a term out of a Sci-Fi film, but you’ve definitely run into them more often than you think.

In this Micro Training, we’ll define what an attack vector is, along with the active or passive roles that they may take.

Watch Tip:   Attack Vectors: Active and Passive


Marketplace Scams

Online marketplaces are not only havens for bargain hunting and re-selling – they are also a favorite hunting ground for cybercriminals looking to scam you out of goods, money, and personal information.

In this Micro Training, we’ll review common marketplace scams and the best ways to protect yourself from them.

Watch Tip:   Marketplace Scams


Charity Scams

Charitable giving during the holiday season is just one more angle to play for cybercriminals who are scamming for fast money.

In this Micro Training, we will cover common charity scams and the five ways to spot them.

Watch Tip:   Charity Scams


Holiday Shopping Scams

As the holidays approach, cybercriminals are even more excited about your holiday shopping than the people on your gift list.

In this Micro Training, we’ll cover common holiday shopping scams and best practices to avoid becoming a victim.

Watch Tip:   Holiday Shopping Scams


Delivery Scams

Congrats! You finally got through the process of making your online purchase. But wait! You’re not out of the scammers' grasp yet.

In this Micro Training, learn about three delivery scams that cybercriminals use to capitalize on the process of online shopping.

Watch Tip:   Delivery Scams


Securing Your Computer from Eavesdropping

If you’ve ever had the uneasy feeling like someone is reading over your shoulder or listening from around the corner, then you already have some experience with this scamming technique.

In this Micro Training, we’ll cover eavesdropping – what it is and what it means for the security of your desktop or laptop computer, as well as best practices for securing your system against it.

Watch Tip:   Securing Your Computer from Eavesdropping


Transportation Scams

The holiday travel season is about to begin! This can be a hectic time for everyone, and cybercriminals are capitalizing on it.

In this Micro Training, we’ll cover some of the common transportation scams that are circulating the web this year.

Watch Tip:   Transportation Scams


Does Your Device Have Malware?

Is your device running slower than normal? Are excessive pop-ups ruining your online experience? If you answered “yes” to these questions, your device might have malware.

In this Micro Training, find out more about signs of malware and learn what steps to take if your device has been infected.

Watch Tip:   Does Your Device Have Malware?


Display Name Scams

Did you know that the first element of an incoming message that we often see, especially on a mobile device, is not the sender’s email address but their display name.

In this Micro Training, tune in for another episode of the "Cyber Talk Show", and learn more about the sneaky tactic of display name spoofing.

Watch Tip:   Display Name Scams


Recognizing and Reporting Phishing

For this Micro Training, we’re doing a bait-and-switch on the cybercriminals: teaching you how to catch your own phish with tips on what to look out for, and advice on how to report suspicious activity.

Watch Tip:   Recognizing and Reporting Phishing


Updating Pro Tips

For this Micro Training, learn the benefits of updating systems, and gain some tips on how to efficiently and effectively protect your devices through updates.

Watch Tip:   Updating Pro Tips


Securing Your Smart Home and IoT Devices From Eavesdropping

The “Internet of Things” is all around us, and cybercriminals are eager to make use of it.

In this Micro Training, we’ll look at the impact of eavesdropping attacks on smart home and IoT devices.

Watch Tip:   Securing Your Smart Home and IoT Devices From Eavesdropping


Credential Stuffing Attacks

If you reuse the same password across multiple accounts, watch this training video!

In this Micro Training, learn how cybercriminals are using previously exposed credentials to access different accounts.

Watch Tip:   Credential Stuffing Attacks


MFA Fatigue Attacks

Multi-Factor Authentication is a great way to restrict access to accounts if there were to be an exposure of your credentials, but cybercriminals are finding ways to get around these defenses.

In this Micro Training, learn the tricks cybercriminals are using to get past these security measures and the tips to make this process stronger.

Watch Tip:   MFA Fatigue Attacks


Brute Force Attacks

Knock-knock. Who’s there? It’s a cybercriminal, using their brute force attack tools to break down your password's defenses and gain access to your account.

In this Micro Training, we review some of the best practices to ensure your passwords are strong enough to stand up to a brute force attack.

Watch Tip:   Brute Force Attacks


Top 3 Cybersecurity Shields

It can often be challenging to keep up with all of the cybersecurity threats and corresponding preventative measures.

That is why, in this Micro Training, we’re providing you with three essential cybersecurity guidelines to help keep your shields up.

Watch Tip:   Top 3 Cybersecurity Shields


Online Tracking

Many users are aware that they are being tracked online. While some of this tracking can be used to customize the user experience, it is important to know how to protect your tracked data from cybercriminals’ prying eyes.

In this Micro Training, follow along as we dive into how internet tracking works and the many ways to protect your data.

Watch Tip:   Online Tracking


IoT and Smart Devices

Smart devices are quickly becoming an integral part of society. But as the world continues to get more connected, the number of connected devices susceptible to cybercriminals grows, as well.

In this Micro Training, find out how to keep your data safe despite the increasing number of smart devices connected to the Internet of Things.

Watch Tip:    IoT and Smart Devices


Wrong Number Scams

Unsolicited text messages from unknown numbers have always been a go-to tactic for scammers. But when a message simply says, “Hi,” or “Sorry, wrong number,” curiosity may take over.

In this Micro Training, learn how scammers are carrying out wrong number scams and what to do if you receive one of these mysterious text messages.

Watch Tip:   Wrong Number Scams


Phishing Email Unboxing

Did you know that the average employee receives 1.2 phishing emails per day?

In this Micro Training, we’re unboxing two of the cleverest phishing emails that are currently circulating the internet so that you’ll be better prepared when one lands in your inbox.

Watch Tip:   Phishing Email Unboxing


How to Keep Your Bluetooth Happy

Bluetooth is a short-range wireless technology that uses radio frequencies to exchange data between devices. But, do you know what you can do to help keep that exchange of information secure?

Find out in this Micro Training, as we explore what Bluetooth is, how it works, and the best practices you can implement to keep cybercriminals at bay.

Watch Tip:   How to Keep Your Bluetooth Happy


Removable Devices

While the ways to store data are ever-changing, removable media remains a top option for many.

In this Micro Training, freshen up on USB drive best practices, and learn more about how cybercriminals are using this tiny tech in big ways.

Watch Tip:   Removable Devices


Getting Personal with Work Devices

It is more common than ever for personal devices to be used for work.

In this Micro Training, explore the two main ways personal devices are used for work purposes and the risks that come with this new trend.

Watch Tip:   Getting Personal with Work Devices


Caller ID Spoofing

If you received a call from your own phone number, would you answer? For many of us, the answer is yes. Cybercriminals are using this tactic and many more to carry out caller ID spoofing. 

In this Micro Training, learn more about how cybercriminals spoof caller IDs and how to identify these scam calls. 

Watch Tip:   Caller ID Spoofing


Deepfake Scams

Deepfakes have been making their rounds on social media sites. Most are just harmless fun, but advancements in technology are opening avenues for scams.

In this Micro Training, learn more about how scammers use deepfake audio and video to enhance their scams.

Watch Tip:   Deepfake Scams


The Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is this year’s buzz word. This advancement in technology has created many benefits for those fighting cybercrime but has also presented some new challenges as well.

Watch Tip:   The Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence


The 6 Principles of Social Engineering

Social engineering is a tactic many scammers know well, and without our awareness of their tricks, it could leave the door open to a scam.

In this Micro Training, we unpack the 6 Principles of Social Engineering and look at examples of how a scammer may utilize each tactic.

Watch Tip:   The 6 Principles of Social Engineering


The 3 R’s of Password Protection

The 3 R’s (aka: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) is not just a way to keep our planet cleaner but also a way to evaluate password strength.

In this Micro Training, we break down the three ways to ensure your password stays “in the green.”

Watch Tip:   The 3 R’s of Password Protection


Mail-in Scams

Any phishing email or scam tactic that can be found in your online inbox is just as capable of making its way into your physical mailbox.

In this Micro Training, we’re discussing mail fraud and the messages that scammers are sending through snail mail in order to catch you off guard.

Watch Tip:   Mail-in Scams



In the first quarter of 2019 alone, more than 1.5 million formjacking attacks occurred. And that trend is sure to increase!

In this micro training, we’ll zoom in on formjacking scams: what they are, and the steps we can take to protect ourselves from the resulting fraud and identity theft.

Watch Tip:   Formjacking


Tax Collection Scams

On the heels of every tax season is a legion of cybercriminals baiting their traps with tax-based scams. The reason these scams never seem to go away is because they are so successful.

In this Micro Training, we focus on four simple ways to elevate our awareness and avoid getting scammed by this annually occurring scheme.

Watch Tip:   Tax Collection Scams


Public WiFi Scams

Sooner or later we all find ourselves in a public place with a device in our hands and a Public WiFi network as our best means of connecting to the internet. However, Public WiFi can pose as a serious threat to our security and privacy.

This Micro Training focuses on simple steps we can all take to stay more secure and more aware when using Public WiFi connections.

Watch Tip:   Public WiFi Scams


When Robot Networks Attack

While robot attacks sound like something out of a science fiction movie, the threat of botnets is very real.

In this Micro Training, learn about botnet attacks and how to stop your device from becoming part of one.

Watch Tip:   When Robot Networks Attack


Temporary Holiday Scams Part 1

For cybercriminals, the holidays are a time to roll out some of the most egregious scams in their arsenal.

In this Micro Training, we’ll look at part one of a two-part series that covers the holiday job scam, which aims to take advantage of those looking for temporary or seasonal work.

Watch Tip:   Temporary Holiday Scams Part 1


Saving Banking Card Information Online

It is something many people do without a second thought: saving their banking card information online.

When a consumer saves their card information to a website, it is much easier for them to make future purchases. In this Micro Training, we’ll discuss the risks involved with this option, and best practices to help keep your information safe.

Watch Tip:   Saving Banking Card Information Online


Online Shopping and Social Media Scams

The season of shopping is upon us. But, when everything is available to you online, it can be hard to differentiate the real deal from a scam.

As online shopping scams can come in many different forms, this Micro Training looks at some of the ways cybercriminals are carrying out these types of scams and what we, as the consumer, can do to stay alert.

Watch Tip:   Online Shopping and Social Media Scams


Top 3 Phishing Saves

Phishing messages come in many forms, with many different ways to catch and respond to them.

To wrap up Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we’ll look at the importance of recognizing and reporting an incident by analyzing three different phishing attempts.

Watch Tip:   Top 3 Phishing Saves


Cyber Stories: A Tale of Software Updates

With just the click of a button, software can be updated. However, many still ignore these update messages and leave their devices vulnerable.

This Micro Training follows the story of a girl who puts off updating her software. Find out how the simple task of updating software on time can help you see yourself in cyber.

Watch Tip:   Cyber Stories: A Tale of Software Updates


Device Security Nightmares: Unauthorized Access

We’re jumping into the third and final installment, covering the nightmare of Unauthorized Access. We will look at what these types of incidents entail, and best practices to avoid them.

Watch Tip:   Device Security Nightmares: Unauthorized Access


Five Physical Security Tips

While the focus of cybersecurity is often on technological safeguards, there are also many physical security measures that play an important role in keeping data safe.
We take a look at five physical security tips to protect devices and sensitive information.

Watch Tip:   Five Physical Security Tips


Device Security Nightmares: Unauthorized Access

In your wildest dreams, you’d never imagine that the person sitting next to you at the coffee shop, or train station, could gain access to your credentials and PII just because you’ve logged into the Public Wi-Fi. That would be a nightmare!
This training video we’re jumping into the third and final installment, covering the nightmare of Unauthorized Access. We will look at what these types of incidents entail, and best practices to avoid them.

Watch Tip:   Device Security Nightmares: Unauthorized Access


Device Security Nightmares: Stolen

There is nothing like the frightening feeling of getting your device stolen. Though a stolen device is unfortunate, there are still steps you can take to make sure your personal data isn’t stolen, as well.
In this video we take a look at theft, the second device security nightmare. Learn what you can do now to prevent your information from being stolen later.

Watch Tip:   Device Security Nightmares: Stolen


Preventing Cyber Snooping

With cameras and smart devices all around us, the reality that cybercriminals can hear and see us, even in our own homes, can be disconcerting.
In this Micro Training, learn how cybercriminals can gain access to your cameras, and how to prevent this kind of cyber snooping.

Watch Tip:   Preventing Cyber Snooping


Spotting a Phishing Landing Page

Phishing landing pages are commonly found after a user clicks a link in a malicious message or by being redirected during a web browsing session.
But how can you spot these sneaky sites? Learn the difference between a phishing landing page and the real deal in this Micro Training.

Watch Tip:   Spotting a Phishing Landing Page


Dissecting a Phone Scam

Robocalls and phone scams like this one seem to be increasing in frequency! In this Micro Training better understand the dangers of this kind of vishing scam and the do’s and don’ts for interacting with them.

Watch Tip:   Dissecting a Phone Scam


Big Feelings VS. Scams

As humans, we’ve all experienced big feelings. But when these feelings are placed in front of a computer, scammers can take advantage of our natural, reflexive responses for their own gain.
In this Micro Training, analyze emotions like love, hope, and fear through the lens of behavioral cybersecurity to understand how cybercriminals manipulate our emotions, and how to better stand up against their tactics.

Watch Tip:   Big Feelings VS. Scams


Cybersecurity and Burnout

When the afternoon slump hits, cybercriminals get to work pushing out their Spear Phishing campaigns. Why? Because people are more likely to make mistakes and click the link when they are burnt out.
In this Micro Training, learn the different signs and types of burnouts, and how they can affect your cybersecurity awareness.

Watch Tip:   Cybersecurity and Burnout


TV Scams

The “Summer of Scams” is a season-long, multimedia celebration of some of the most well-known scam artists.
In this Micro Training, learn what cybersecurity life lessons you can pick out of your next scam filled binge-watch.

Watch Tip:   TV Scams


What is The Dark Web?

When you think of the Dark Web, you might picture a big spiderweb filled with illegal substances, counterfeit bills, and stolen credit cards. But did you know not everything on the Dark Web is nefarious?
So then what exactly is the Dark Web, and why is it associated with your personal information? Find out in this Micro Training.

Watch Tip:   What is The Dark Web?


Breach Lifecycle: The End

The actions taken at the beginning of a breach’s lifecycle are often just as important as the actions taken at the end…
We are wrapping up our series with two cautionary tales and the hard lessons they learned from their experience within the breach’s lifecycle.

Watch Tip:   Breach Lifecycle: The End


Breach Lifecycle: The Middle

Our saga continues with the middle stage of a breach’s lifecycle…
The middle of a breach’s lifecycle takes place once a company has identified and contained the breach. In this Micro Training, we cover some steps that can be taken to help mitigate overall damages.

Watch Tip:   Breach Lifecycle: The Middle


Breach Lifecycle: The Beginning

The reviews are in: The Breach Lifecycle is action packed with heroes and villains. It’s a must-see for all employees!
This Micro Training tells the tale of the beginning of a breach and helps identify your role in the plotline.

Watch Tip:   Breach Lifecycle: The Beginning


Romance Phishing Scams

Romance Scams are yet another area in which cybercriminals are leveraging our strongest emotions to cultivate an “error-prone mindset” leaving broken hearts and broken passwords in their wake.
In this Micro Training, we’ll look at some of the most common and recent iterations of the romance scam and how to cultivate the awareness it takes to beat them.

Watch Tip:   Romance Phishing Scams


Cryptocurrency Investment Phishing

Cybercriminals are targeting the booming cryptocurrency market to make a killing off of human error.
In this micro training we’re taking a look at the how, when, and where of these latest scams and offering some tips on keeping yourself, your contacts, and your crypto-wallet safe.

Watch Tip:   Cryptocurrency Investment Phishing


6 Simple Tips To Protect From Insider Threats

An insider threat is when an individual with authorized access for an organization, misuses their access in a way that harms the organization. As the name implies, these threats come from within.
In this micro training, we review six simple tips for staff, management and IT to safeguard their organization from potential insider threats.

Watch Tip:   6 Simple Tips To Protect From Insider Threats


Insider Threats: Unintentional

An insider threat is when an individual with authorized access for an organization, misuses their access in a way that harms the organization. As the name implies, these threats come from within.
In this micro training we’ll look at Unintentional Insider Threats, which are actions that may harm an organization that are NOT planned or carried out with malicious intent. The individual at fault is often referred to as a pawn.

Watch Tip:   Insider Threats: Unintentional


Threats: Intentional

An insider threat is when an individual with authorized access for an organization, misuses their access in a way that harms the organization. As the name implies, these threats come from within.
In this micro training we’re looking at Intentional Insider Threats which are deliberate and often planned actions often carried out for personal gain or to right a perceived injustice.

Watch Tip:   Threats: Intentional


SLAM Method: “L” is for Links

The SLAM Method is a phish-catching mnemonic device that helps you break apart and analyze the validity of every email that slides into your inbox.  
In this Micro Training, we’re reviewing the letter “L,” which stands for links. This is a common element to many phishing campaigns and is often used to deliver malware or harvest PII

Watch Tip:   SLAM Method: “L” is for Links


SLAM Method: “A” is for Attachments

The SLAM Method is a phish-catching mnemonic device that helps you break apart and analyze the validity of every email that slides into your inbox.  
In this Micro Training, we’re reviewing the letter “A,” which stands for attachments. Similar to links, attachments are a convincing phishing device that, when clicked on, can lead to a slew of nefarious activity.

Watch Tip:   SLAM Method: “A” is for Attachments


SLAM Method: “M” is for Message

The SLAM Method is a phish-catching mnemonic device that helps you break apart and analyze the validity of every email that slides into your inbox.  
In this Micro Training, we’re reviewing the letter “M,” which stands for message. As the final letter in the SLAM Method, messages are a scammer’s greatest asset when it comes to capturing your attention.

Watch Tip:   SLAM Method: “M” is for Message



Phishing has a fascinating historical and societal impact that is often overlooked. With Phishing401, this “senior level” course dives deeper into the subject matter, allowing you to advance in your phishing studies.
In this Micro Training, we will take a look at how phishing began, why it has been successful, and what causes psychology to play such an important role for both the scammer, and the victim.

Watch Tip:   Phishing401


Love Bug

Love + Scams = Heartbreak, and no one knows that better than the Internet.
In this Micro Training, we will take a look at the Internet’s perspective on the Love Bug scam: a 20-year-old scam that put phishing emails on the map and tainted many users’ trust in the world wide web.

Watch Tip:   Love Bug


A Brief History of COVID-19 Scams

History allows us to take lessons from the past and apply them to the future. The history of COVID-19 scams is no different.
In this Micro Training, we will take a look at how early COVID-19 scams developed, as well as the takeaways that can help protect you and your personal information down the line.

Watch Tip:   A Brief History of COVID-19 Scams


Vacation Scams

Scammers go on vacation too, and they’re using your money to do it.
In this Micro Training, learn more about the vacation scamming business from the Chief Scamming Officer (CSO), himself.

Watch Tip:   Vacation Scams


Password Managers

Change is scary. Which is why, even though you know Password Managers help to manage complex passwords across several accounts, you still stick with the same, old passwords you’re comfortable with: using them over, and over, and over.
In this Micro Training, learn more about what Password Mangers have to offer, and see if this tool is a good match for your security goals.

Watch Tip:   Password Managers


Social Media Scams

This year’s cyber resolution: don’t fall for fake friends. Scammers may be ringing in the New Year by connecting with you via social media and pretending to be someone you know.
In this Micro Training, learn how scammers try to gain your trust, and personal information, by impersonating people you know on social media.

Watch Tip:   Social Media Scams


Holiday Shipping Scams

Do you have a delivery on the way? Many of us do right now, so be on the lookout for the latest shipping scams!
In this Micro Training video, unbox some common shipping scams that could be arriving at your door. Watch Tip: Holiday Shipping Scams

Watch Tip:   Holiday Shipping Scams


Top Holiday Scams

With the holidays upon us, scammers are ready with their tricks to try and give us the winter blues.
In this Micro Training video, learn about the top holiday scams and how you can avoid becoming the next victim.

Watch Tip:   Top Holiday Scams


Combatting Text Message Scams

Incoming text alert! Scammers are infiltrating our smartphones with clever texting scams that can be just as dangerous as they are a nuisance.
In this Micro Training video, learn about common text message scam techniques and how to avoid them.

Watch Tip:   Combatting Text Message Scams



Did your phone catch a live one? Vishing, also known as voice phishing, is a scamming tactic that can trick callers into revealing personal information.
In this Micro Training, dive into the most common vishing scams, and learn how to catch and release these kinds of catfishes the next time your phone rings.

Watch Tip:   Vishing


BEC Scams & CEO Fraud

Scammers just got a promotion! BEC scams and CEO fraud are clogging employee inboxes impersonating their employers. Do you know what to look for to avoid these pitfalls?
In this Micro Training video, learn some of the common examples of BEC scams and CEO fraud in action.

Watch Tip:   BEC Scams & CEO Fraud


Cybersecurity First

As we close out Cybersecurity Awareness Month, let’s look at seven quick tips that can help you put cybersecurity first.
In this Micro Training, learn seven simple tips to help keep cybersecurity top of mind to ensure a more secure workplace.

Watch Tip:   Cybersecurity First


Fight the Phish

As we continue through Cybersecurity Awareness Month, let’s take some time to flex those cyber smart muscles and fight off those pesky phishing attempts.
In this Micro Training, learn about the common mediums for phishing scams and how to best protect yourself.

Watch Tip:   Fight the Phish


Be Cyber Smart

Do you consider yourself to be someone with good cyber hygiene? A strong cybersecurity posture is critical to staying protected, so we're kicking off Cybersecurity Awareness Month by focusing on what it means to be cyber smart.
In this Micro Training, learn the basics of what it means to be cyber smart.

Watch Tip:   Be Cyber Smart


Educating Kids on Cybersecurity

Today, many kids are exposed to technology at a young age. No matter how old they are, it’s never too early to start educating our youth on cybersecurity.
In this Micro Training video, learn 6 simple tips to help educate our youth on cybersecurity.

Watch Tip:   Educating Kids on Cybersecurity


Cryptocurrency Investment Scams

Cryptocurrency investing is becoming wildly popular, especially with teens and young adults. With these attractive investment opportunities, new scams are emerging that we all should be aware of.
In this Micro Training video, learn some of the common cryptocurrency investment scams that are on the rise.

Watch Tip:   Cryptocurrency Investment Scams


Gaming Security Tips for Kids and Parents

Online gaming is wildly popular and should be a fun experience for people of all ages. While gaming is intended for harmless fun, scammers are using online games as another avenue for their tricks.
In this week’s Micro Training video, learn some important security concepts that can help protect gamers of all ages.

Watch Tip:   Gaming Security Tips for Kids and Parents


Best Practices for Safe Social Media Use

Social media networks can play a major role in the way children and young adults connect and interact with the world. Although these tools are mostly used for harmless entertainment, there are many security risks that we all should be aware of.
In this Micro Training video, learn some of the best practices for using social media securely.

Watch Tip:   Best Practices for Safe Social Media Use


Cyber Tips for Seniors

Our older generation is a common target for scams. Help lend a hand by passing on some cybersecurity awareness to those that may need it.
In this security tip video, discover the 7 simple tips to helping seniors become cyber-safe.

Watch Tip:   Cyber Tips for Seniors


Medical Identity Theft

Medical identity theft can be damaging to a victim’s wallet as well as their health. In this security tip video, learn about the dangers of medical identity theft and how you can keep your information safe.

Watch Tip:   Medical Identity Theft


Grandparent Scams

A truly sick crime is targeting our older relatives. Grandparent scams involve scammers posing as a grandchild needing financial assistance.
Learn about how Grandparent scams are carried out and what steps every family should take to avoid becoming the next victim.

Watch Tip:   Grandparent Scams


Protecting Your Wi-Fi Router

Our Wi-Fi routers are the gateways into our home or office. Take the time to make sure the proper protections are in place to keep cybercriminals out.

Watch Tip:   Protecting Your Wi-Fi Router


Impacts of a Breach – Exposed Party

Have you ever been informed that you were involved in a data breach? Most of us have, but what does it all mean, and what action should be taken?

Watch Tip:    Impacts of a Breach – Company


Impacts of a Breach – Company

When an organization is involved in a breach, large or small, the consequences can be severe. Financial damages, reputational harm, and even job cuts are all possible outcomes.

Watch Tip:    Impacts of a Breach – Exposed Party


Impacts of a Breach – Employee

Many parties feel the negative impacts of a data breach. Often, the employee at fault is impacted in more ways than you might consider.

Watch Tip:   Impacts of a Breach – Employee


Facts and Tips for Cyber-Safe Travel

Traveling should be fun, not stressful. Knowing what cyber threats are out there and how to avoid them can help ensure your travel plans run smoothly.

Watch Tip:   Facts and Tips for Cyber-Safe Travel


Travel Scams – During Your Trip

As you’re enjoying your hard-earned vacation, be sure to keep scammers out of your travel itinerary.

Watch Tip:   Travel Scams – During Your Trip


Travel Scams – Booking Your Trip

Are you ready to take a trip? Make sure you’re planning wisely to keep scammers out of your summer travel plans.

Watch Tip:   Travel Scams – Booking Your Trip


The Future of Fraud

The success of scammers is dependent on them staying one step ahead of their potential victims. By forecasting the future of fraud, we can keep pace with the scams that may target us in the future.

Watch Tip:   The Future of Fraud



The evolution of technology used for cybercrime is fascinating, but scary at the same time! Deepfakes are the latest trend and can be used to craft a realistic scam when used maliciously.

Watch Tip:   Deepfakes


Post-COVID-19 Vaccine Scams

Using bogus surveys or social media posts, cybercriminals are crafting scams to target a new audience as more COVID-19 vaccines are being administered.

Watch Tip:   Post-COVID-19 Vaccine Scams


5 Tips for Staying Safe on the Cloud

As our dependency on cloud services increases every day, so too must our security on these accounts.

Watch Tip:    5 Tips for Staying Safe on the Cloud


Cloud Jacking

As more data and sensitive information are being kept in the cloud, the security risk of cloud jacking is something we all need to be aware of and protect against.

Watch Tip:    Cloud Jacking


Tax Scams

Tax scams have been a staple for cybercriminals for years, but 2021 is presenting some new threats that are making this tax season very dangerous.

Watch Tip:   Tax Scams


What is the Cloud?

As we dive deeper into utilizing cloud services more frequently, it’s important to know where our data truly is and how it’s being protected.

Watch Tip:   What is the Cloud?


Your Incident Response Plan – Part 3: Recovery and Learning

An incident response plan is not complete without the recovery and learning stages. Returning to business as usual after an incident will be the optimal goal, but learning some important lessons on how the incident could have been avoided is also important.

Watch Tip:   Your Incident Response Plan – Part 3: Recovery and Learning


Your Incident Response Plan – Part 2: Detection and Response

When creating an incident response plan, the detection and response stages are a critical component. It is important to know how to detect when an incident occurs and the appropriate response to help mitigate the damage.

Watch Tip:   Your Incident Response Plan – Part 2: Detection and Response


Your Incident Response Plan – Part 1: Preparation

Creating an incident response plan can help us navigate cybersecurity events outside of the office. A good plan will focus on five key areas; Preparation, Detection, Response, Recovery and Learning.

Watch Tip:   Your Incident Response Plan – Part 1: Preparation


What is Social Engineering?

Why are cyber scams so effective? It comes down to social engineering tactics that successful cybercriminals have mastered.

Watch Tip:   What is Social Engineering?


Webcam and Connected Device Security

Connected technology like webcams and other smart home products are booming in popularity, and bringing new security risks along with them.

Watch Tip:    Webcam and Connected Device Security


Improving Your Digital Health

When it comes to New Year's resolutions and taking care of yourself, don't forget to put digital health on the list! This is critical to our overall well-being and safety.

Watch Tip:   Improving Your Digital Health


Ransomware – Before, During and After

With ransomware now a daily threat to nearly anyone with an email account, it is important to know just how an attack is crafted, delivered, and what it can mean if it happens to you.

Watch Tip:   Ransomware – Before, During and After


COVID-19 Vaccine Scams

As countries across the globe begin to distribute the long-awaited COVID-19 vaccines, scammers are not far behind. Prepare yourself for the new scams emerging that play off of this important topic.

Watch Tip:   COVID-19 Vaccine Scams


A Scammer’s Carol

Nobody wants to be a Cyber-Scrooge! That’s why we all must take cybersecurity seriously and learn from our past so that in the present, we can work to shape a future that is full of smart cybersecurity habits!

Watch Tip:   A Scammer’s Carol


Cybersecurity Resolutions

A new year generally brings some important resolutions and goals to help better ourselves. With the many cybersecurity threats bearing down, now is the time to add some cybersecurity resolutions to your list.

Watch Tip:   Cybersecurity Resolutions



With so many sites requesting that you accept their “Cookie Policy”, it’s important to know what this truly means and how these cookies factor into your security and privacy.

Watch Tip:   Cookies


Cybersecurity Recap

2020 has been an interesting year full of drastic changes to our lives, both personal and professional. With the end of the year in sight, let's look back on some of the important cybersecurity topics and the lessons we’ve learned during this past year.

Watch Tip:   Cybersecurity Recap


Digital Shopping Security

Digital retail is expected to be the preferred method for holiday shopping this season. If you plan on partaking, make sure you are aware of the cybersecurity risk associated with online shopping.

Watch Tip:   Digital Shopping Security


The Value of Encryption

Encryption is a technology we can all be thankful for - except for scammers! An encrypted device is impenetrable, making it the ultimate safeguard in protecting data and equipment.

Watch Tip:   The Value of Encryption


Tools to Improve Password Security

Recent reports estimate an average person has between 70 and 80 passwords they need to remember and manage. Creating strong and unique passwords for each of these can be challenging, so why not utilize tools that can simplify this process?

Watch Tip:   Tools to Improve Password Security


QR Code Security Concerns

QR codes are gaining popularity, and cybercriminals are picking up on the trend. Before you start scanning these convenient codes, make sure you are aware of the risks.

Watch Tip:   QR Code Security Concerns


Cybersecurity Myths

Cybersecurity can be a complex subject, so understandably, many popular myths are mistaken for facts. To help educate the community, we’ve put together a list of cybersecurity myths that need to be debunked.

Watch Tip:   Cybersecurity Myths


A Day in the Life of a Cybercriminal

Cybercriminals are often depicted as operating alone in a dark room or basement, but the reality is, their daily routines and responsibilities share some similarities with our own.

Watch Tip:   A Day in the Life of a Cybercriminal


Election Scams

Election cycles always drum up a large increase in potential scams. Staying informed on what these potential scams may look like and how they're carried out will help you reduce your chances of becoming a victim.

Watch Tip:   Election Scams


5 Facebook Security Tips

As the leading social networking site, Facebook has become a hotbed for cybercriminals to target their victims. While Facebook has ramped up their security measures, you are still the best bodyguard in the fight to keep your information safe.

Watch Tip:   5 Facebook Security Tips


USB Drop Attacks

Have you ever seen a USB drive on the ground and been curious as to what may be on it? While it may be tempting to let our curiosity get the best of us, plugging in a random USB drive could result in a malicious attack that infects your device and your organization’s network.

Watch Tip:   USB Drop Attacks


Insider Threats – Pawns

We, as employees, are considered pawns, which is the most common form of an insider threat. Our simple mistakes or sidestepping of company policies or procedures can put our company’s information at risk.

Watch Tip:   Insider Threats – Pawns


Insider Threats - Turncloaks

We learn a lot about external threats, but insider threats can be just as damaging for an organization. A turncloak is the term for an employee’s deliberate abuse of their privileges to steal sensitive information, company secrets or sabotage projects.

Watch Tip:   Insider Threats - Turncloaks


Hot Button Scams

A majority of scams involve cybercriminals trying to entice their victims to click on a malicious link or open a virus-ridden attachment. Hot button scams take this to the next level by using current and polarizing topics to deliver their malicious content.

Watch Tip:   Hot Button Scams


Protecting Devices and Data Outside of the Office

The transportation of equipment is becoming very common, making the protection of these devices and data during their travels extremely important.
In this week’s security tip video, learn some of the best practices for safely and securely transporting devices and data.

Watch Tip:   Protecting Devices and Data Outside of the Office


Brute Force Attacks

A properly run brute force attack can put many passwords generally considered complex, at risk. By customizing their attack with additional variables, a cybercriminal can have a much easier time breaking into an account of their choosing.

Watch Tip:   Brute Force Attacks


Vacation Scams

Whenever you are ready to begin planning your next vacation, it is important to be mindful of some of the common vacation scams that dupe consumers each year.

Watch Tip:   Vacation Scams



Spoofing is a cybercriminal’s malicious misrepresentation of a phone number, website, or email. By masking their true identity, a cybercriminal is more likely to pull off their scam.

Watch Tip:   Spoofing



A keylogger is a tool designed to silently spy and record your daily activities on a device. Once a keylogger is installed, it can feed that information directly to a cybercriminal in real-time.

Watch Tip:   Keyloggers


Two-Factor Authentication

In today’s cyber landscape, having just one strong password on an account just isn’t enough. While we can do a lot to improve the strength of our passwords, having Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is critical to take that security to the next level.

In this week’s security tip video, learn about what Two-Factor Authentication truly is and how it can help protect your critical accounts.

Watch Tip:   Two-Factor Authentication


Credit Card Skimming

Credit card skimming is a criminal’s attempt to steal the financial information residing on a debit or credit card via a malicious card reader. With so much emphasis on digital security threats, it’s important not to overlook these physical threats as well.

Watch Tip:   Credit Card Skimming


Bitcoin Blackmail

Reports of a devious bitcoin blackmail scam are on the rise. Scammers are dusting off a classic trick in an effort to steal your money.

Watch Tip:   Bitcoin Blackmail


Cybersecurity in a Changing Work Environment

The Coronavirus has brought about some major changes in our daily lives. One change that may be here to stay for some employees is Work from Home. Whether you are in the office, working from home or both, it is important to keep cybersecurity a top priority.

Watch Tip:   Cybersecurity in a Changing Work Environment


Tech Support Scams

Technical support companies can be critical in helping solve some complex issues with our digital devices. Unfortunately, scammers are using this dependence as a way to get their foot in the door and trick their victims into paying them money or installing a virus.

Watch Tip:   Tech Support Scams


Spear Phishing

Spear phishing is often considered one of the most dangerous forms of phishing. These well-crafted malicious emails include personal details that can make them very convincing and difficult to spot.

Watch Tip: Spear Phishing


IoT Devices

IoT (Internet of Things) devices are becoming increasingly popular as their convenience helps individuals and businesses improve many daily functions. Although their intentions are meant to make our lives easier, IoT devices come with many security risks we all should be aware of.

Watch Tip: IoT Devices


Coronavirus Texting Scams

Texting scams are common, but with the coronavirus pandemic, cybercriminals are taking these scams to the next level.

Watch Tip: Coronavirus Texting Scams


What's a VPN

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) creates a secure and private connection, which is especially critical when working remotely. For both personal and professional use, VPNs are a great resource and tool that have evolved over the years to be much more user-friendly.

Watch Tip: What’s a VPN


Combating the Spread of Cybercrime

While it has taken some time to adjust, certain new self-care skills have been harnessed to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. Good hygiene, social distancing and protective equipment can keep us safe, so why not apply these practices in a similar sense to our cybersecurity efforts?

Watch Tip: Combating the Spread of Cybercrime


Clean Desk Policy

Keeping a clean and organized desk and office space can be beneficial on both a personal and a security level. A lack of organization and physical security at your desk could lead to theft or the misuse of information.  As many of us are currently working from home in workspaces that are also public spaces, this is more important than ever.

Watch Tip: Clean Desk Policy


Emerging Coronavirus Scams

As the global health crisis intensifies, cybercriminals are escalating their attacks. Preying on a new massive pool of employees working from home, cybercriminals are trying out new and clever scams that are having a much higher success rate.

Watch Tip: Emerging Coronavirus Scamps


Cybersecurity Tips for All Ages

This global pandemic has taught us the importance of coming together to keep ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities safe. This same philosophy can and should be applied to all aspects of our lives, especially cybersecurity.

While anyone can become a victim of the next cyberattack, vulnerable generations - like the old and young - are more susceptible to victimization due to their lack of knowledge and awareness. That's why it's up to us to do our part by sharing our cybersecurity knowledge with these generations to help keep them informed and cyber-safe.

Watch Tip: Cybersecurity Tips for All Ages