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A Password Alone Isn’t Enough Anymore… Now, You Need MFA

It’s more or less a given nowadays—username and password—but today’s threats have made the traditional identity authentication measures less effective than they need to be. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a great way to reinforce your access management protections and properly secure your accounts.

How Does Multi-Factor Authentication Work?

Putting it simply, multi-factor authentication demands more from the user to confirm their identity. Rather than just accepting a password—which is a relatively insecure means of limiting access—MFA adds an additional and distinct requirement that the user must fulfill before being allowed in.

By taking the password and pairing it with another proof of identity, it becomes far more difficult for an unauthorized user to access a given resource. This proof of identity can take one of a few forms:

  • Something you know, such as a password or PIN
  • Something you have, like a mobile device or other piece of hardware
  • Something you are, including biometric data

By lengthening the sign-in process in this way, it becomes that much more challenging for someone to undermine your accounts.

We Can Help You Implement MFA to Protect Your Business

Don’t assume that a password is all that is necessary to keep unauthorized activity off of your network.

Complete the form on the right to be contacted and download a copy of our FREE “Multi-Factor Authentication (2FA) Frequently Asked Questions” guide.

Phishing Simulation - Train Your Staff and Prevent Threats


Test and Educate Your Employees to Prevent Data/Identity Theft

It was found that 94% of malware is delivered by email, according to the 2019 edition of Verizon’s annual Data Breach Investigations Report. Cybercriminals are utilizing very convincing tactics to steal sensitive information and gain access to your data through cleverly targeted phishing attacks.

These attacks are often disguised to look like urgent requests, and look like legitimate emails. The emails will look like official emails from your bank, your vendors, or even from within your own company… and they’ve proven very effective for cybercriminals to use, as phishing tends to be a factor in most breaches.

Other research has supported this, finding that 90 percent of successful data hacks and breaches originate from phishing attacks.

However, there are a few ways that these attacks can be spotted, if one is paying attention. Your business can have a firewall and spam protection, but sometimes these threats slip through even the most high-end security tools. Your last line of defense is to educate your staff.

Get Started on Educating Your Staff 

We want to help local businesses protect themselves from these targeted attacks, so we have a helpful guide for you to use. Reach out to Directive today to start a conversation on all of your options on how you can share these important best practices with your staff.

Get Your “How to Spot a Fraudulent Phishing Email” Guide and Phishing Email Red Flags handout!

Fill out the form now to get your resources!

Find Out If Your Data is Available on the Dark Web

The  Dark  Web is huge and secretive, which means you need to leverage the right tools.

Your business relies on a lot of data - a lot of it, considerably sensitive. 

Have your network and security policies been effectively doing their jobs, or is some of your business’ sensitive data available on the Dark Web? Knowing this can be the key to identifying and improving your current security shortcomings, and better anticipating issues down the road. However, the nature and size of the Dark Web can make it very difficult to tell if your data is shared somewhere in its recesses.

Directive has a solution: our Dark Web Security Assessment.

We’ll scan the Dark Web for your data, alerting you if any of it appears. We won’t stop there, either. We’ll deliver the training that your staff needs to help them avoid further data leakage and theft.

Fill out the form on this page to request a complimentary Dark Web scan!

Can a Hacker Breach Your Network?

Penetration Testing simulates a real-world cybersecurity attack to uncover exploits in your IT security

Did you know that some of the world’s biggest cybersecurity vulnerabilities were found, reported, and fixed thanks to ethical hackers? These IT security experts utilize the same tactics as cybercriminals to find exploits in a system before the bad guys get a chance to cause harm. 

At its core, this is how our Penetration Testing service works.


Download our rundown of “Understanding Penetration Testing”


How Does Pentesting Work?

Utilizing an ever-growing stack of tools and tactics, our IT security experts will attempt to breach your network to uncover holes in your cybersecurity defenses. This includes:

  • Taking advantage of weak passwords
  • Bypassing poorly configured IT infrastructure
  • Exploiting hardware and software vulnerabilities
  • Deploying phishing and other social engineering tricks.

We then document any chinks in your armor and help you remediate them.

Pentesting Is a Critical Part of Your Cybersecurity Plan

Ongoing pentesting is required to meet certain security regulations and is necessary to determine if the money you are spending on security is protecting your data. Directive is happy to work with businesses discreetly, even if you have an internal IT staff or are working with another third party.

Give us a call at 607.433.2200 to learn more, or complete the form to the right.

mini hearts

Show us some love… We’ll return the favor!

We love having such wonderful clients, and when one of them sends another wonderful client in our direction, we love it all the more. Since you’ve made it this far, we can only assume that you are one of those willing someone's.

This time of year is usually punctuated by fancy cards, assorted chocolates, and whispered sweet nothings. As a business, it’s hard to do do those kinds of things--it’s not easy to fit so many names on just one card, and it’s even harder for an entire staff to whisper something. So instead, we’re proposing that you send us to your business friends or colleagues as a Valentine’s Day treat!

Do you know of another business who’s unhappy with the state of their technology? Let us know who they are and we’ll be sure to reach out to them with a helping hand. Just fill out the form and let us know what you want to say to them.

Of course, it would be rude of us not to return your valentine to us, so for every confirmed referral, we’re going to send you some special, surprise gifts of our own!
